Welcome to the Bury St Edmunds Angling Association

Club Rules


www.burystedmundsangling.org Bury Free Press, Tackle Up and Facebook shall be used at various stages for the communication of the Associations news to its members.

A member on production of his own membership card and/or QR code is empowered to become an honorary bailiff. He may request any other angler fishing association waters to produce proof of current membership and rod licence. He may report any rule infringement to the Fisheries Officer or Committee.

Combination locks are fitted to access, Badwell Ash and Barrow Lake. The combination for these is changed each season.

The Annual General Meeting and Trophy Presentation shall be held on Monday 2nd  February 2026.







  • Meetings shall be controlled by the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman, and his permission must be obtained before any member speaks.
  • Business shall proceed in the order of the agenda which may be amended at the discretion of the Chairman.
  • Any member shall have the right to speak once on any subject under discussion. They may only speak thereafter at the Chairman’s discretion.
  • After discussion a proposal shall be seconded whereupon the Secretary shall make a full record of the proposal and read it out to the meeting. Any amendment made shall be seconded and shall be recorded and read out. Only one amendment can be tabled at a time. Members may not propose or second an amendment if they have proposed or seconded the motion under consideration. After full discussion both the proposal and the amendment shall be read out and the amendment voted upon. If the amendment is carried it shall take the place of the original proposal. Further amendments may then be considered. The Chairman may over-rule where he feels it is substantially the same as one previously tabled. Voting shall be by simple majority.
  • Senior members of the Association, present at the meeting, shall have the right to vote for or against the motion on production of their current membership card and/or QR code. The Chairman may only vote in the event of an equality of votes for and against a motion.
  • Standing orders may only be suspended by a majority vote of senior members present.


  • The name of the Association shall be the “Bury St. Edmunds Angling Association”, here in after referred to as The Association.
  • The objects of the Association shall be to promote, protect and preserve the sport of angling.
  • The Association shall be run in accordance with the following statues:-
  • CONSTITUTION – governing the management and administration of the Association.
  • STANDING ORDERS – setting out procedure for voting and conduct of meetings.
  • RULES AND BYELAWS – regulating the behavior of anglers at Association water and events.


  • The business of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee (hereinafter called the Committee) of seven senior members including the Treasurer, Secretary, Fisheries Officer and the Match Secretary. All shall be elected, in rotation, at an Annual General Meeting to serve for three years. The Committee shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from its members. No member of the Association shall be elected or appointed as above unless he has been a member for the three immediately preceding years. Three members of the Committee shall form a quorum. Auditor(s) shall be chosen by the Committee.
  • Committee and General Meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Committee shall decide.
  • There shall be not less than two nor more than three Trustees of the Association who shall be appointed by the Committee. Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee. All property of the Association except cash which shall be under the control of the Treasurer, including fishing leases, shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall from time to time direct. The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Association against any risk of liabilities incurred by them in pursuance of their office.
  • The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of all meetings. The accounts of the Association shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented at the Annual General Meeting. The Association’s financial year shall end on the 31 December in each year. No monies from the funds of the Association shall be spent without the consent of the Committee. Cheques shall be signed by the Chairman or the Treasurer. The Association’s membership year shall run from 1 April to 31 March the following year.
  • The Committee shall have the authority to terminate forthwith membership of the Committee of any member who is persistently absent from meetings.
  • The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies on the Committee. The member appointed to fill such vacancy shall continue in office for the remainder of the period for which any predecessor was elected or appointed, such action to be confirmed or otherwise at the next General Meeting of the Association. In urgent circumstances the Chairman in consultation with other relevant Committee members may take appropriate action and the matter shall be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.
  • The subscription shall be as agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Children will be eligible to join the association from 12 onwards as a junior member until 16. However, children under 12 can fish for free provided they are fishing the same peg accompanied by an adult member who shall be responsible for their safety and conduct. The eligible age for adult membership of the Association shall be 16 years. OAP membership shall be open to persons in receipt of a State Retirement Pension. Disabled membership shall be open to persons who are in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance. At the Committee’s discretion subscriptions may be reduced for a final period of the membership year.
  • The Annual General Meeting each year shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Committee and shall be notified to members by announcement in Tackle Up at least 14 days prior to the meeting date. Members wishing to place any matter on the agenda must notify the Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting shall only be convened upon a requisition signed by at least four members of the Committee or no fewer than 50 senior members of the Association. Notice of such meetings, and details of matters to be included on the agenda, must be given to the Secretary in writing at least 28 days prior to the date of the meeting. Details of such meetings and agendas shall be available via the committee. Members wishing to be notified personally of details of General Meetings should supply the Secretary with a stamped addressed envelope when paying their subscription, clearly marked “General Meetings”. All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Standing Orders which shall form part of this Constitution.
  • The Committee shall have full power to suspend or expel a member who violates any of the Rules or Byelaws or whose behavior is, at any time, considered to be detrimental to the Association.
  • Each member shall be issued with a membership subscription card and Rules and Byelaws. The Rules shall not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and shall take effect immediately unless specifically allowed for. The Committee shall have the power at any time to frame such Byelaws as it shall deem necessary.
  • The club no longer offer guest tickets.
  • All members of the Association, whilst using its fisheries, shall be responsible for safekeeping of the owner’s and Association’s property.
  • Any member lending their membership card or QR code to another person shall be expelled.
  • Any matter not provided for in these Rules, or in any Byelaw, shall be determined by the Committee whose decision shall be final and binding on all members. The Committee reserves the right to close the whole or part of any water for matches or for any other reason it deems necessary.
  • The Association and the owner, tenant or licensee of the fishery land on which the member (and any person who may accompany him) goes accept no liability whatsoever for any loss, death, injury or damage on the land howsoever caused.


  • All members required by the Environment Agency to do so shall be in possession of a current appropriate rod licence which, together with their membership card or QR code, shall be carried at all times when fishing. They shall be produced on request to authorised personnel including landowners, tenants, licensees and bailiffs. Failure to comply may result in the angler being asked to leave the water and the matter being considered by the Committee.
  • Minimum sizes of keepnets used on Association waters shall be 3m long by 450mm diameter. Fish must not be retained for longer than five hours
  • Members are forbidden to take dogs and loudspeaker type radios to Association water.
  • The lighting of fires is forbidden at all Association water.
  • Vehicles, including motor and pedal cycles, must not be ridden or driven beyond the approved parking places. Members must remain within the immediate vicinity of the water.
  • No litter of any kind is to be left at or near the waterside. Members shall be responsible for litter found at their swim or in its close proximity and offenders shall be dealt with by the Committee.
  • The use of guns and catapults by members is forbidden on Association waters except that catapults may be used for groundbaiting and loosefeeding only.
  • Members may use bait boats on Water Lane only. 
  • Members are forbidden to introduce fish to Association waters. No fish may be removed. The Committee may authorise fish movement exercises where these are deemed necessary for fishery management reasons.
  • Groups of members are forbidden to hold organised matches or events on Association water without written consent obtained through the Committee not less than 14 days prior to such event.
  • Members FISHING TIMES on Association waters:

April – September 05.00 – 21.00

October – March 07.00 – 17.00

Senior members in possession of a night permit may fish Middle Reservoir and Water Lane.

  • No more than two rods may be used on any Association water by members. Exception Middle Res when 3 rods can be used between October-March only.
  • Carp Medi Kits must be used on all sores, hook holds etc.
  • Members must have a suitably sized landing net of knotless mesh ready assembled when fishing Association waters. For Carp, Pike and Zander the net must be of adequate size preferably a minimum of 30 inches; line of at least 10lb. breaking strain must be used and an unhooking mat and forceps must also be provided. For predators an adequate wire trace is essential.
  • Members must ensure that persons accompanying them to Association waters, whether fishing or not, observe the Association’s Rules and Byelaws. Infringements shall be deemed to have been committed by the member.
  • The use of small prepared particle baits may be used on Association waters. Under no circumstances nuts of any kind.
  • Members must remove all lines from the water before leaving their swim and baits must be removed from hooks. Rods must not be left unattended.
  • Livebaiting is prohibited on all Association waters. Only sea deadbaits including eels and lampreys are permitted.
  • Only one angler is permitted at each permanent peg and must not fish from between pegs. An adult member, when accompanied by their spouse, counts as one angler and can share a peg. Both still must have membership books and rod license as appropriate. This concession also applies to disabled anglers.
  • The retention of Carp and Pike by any means is prohibited except in Association run matches.
  • Bloodworm and Joker Baits are prohibited on Association fisheries.
  • Glass bottles are not to be brought onto Association waters.
  • Members are permitted to use Barbless or Micro-barbed hooks on Association waters.
  • No braid is to be used as mainline.